Aktivnosti EQAVET NRP v Sloveniji potekajo tako na nacionalni/sistemski ravni, kot na ravni izvajalcev PSIU, z namenom podpore njihovim prizadevanjem pri ugotavljanju, zagotavljanju in razvoju kakovosti.
At the system, national level, EQAVET NRP in Slovenia regularly implements the following activities:
- Harmonisation of the national quality framework of VET with the European framework and guidelines;
- Establishment of the national quality framework of VET and its implementation;
- Co-establishment of the European quality framework of VET in work groups of the EQAVET (European Quality Assurance in Vocational Education and Training) network and guidelines for its implementation;
- Exchange of experiences with reference points for quality in VET in other European countries;
- Systematic monitoring of VET quality at national level;
- Preparation of the National quality report of VET in Slovenia;
- Active involvement in national and international development projects;
- Presentation of the solutions and examples of best practices at national and international events; and
- Support to VET providers in the establishment of the quality framework at the level of a school centre/school.