Financial support to EQAVET NRP 2019 – 2021
Project type:
Erasmus +, KA 3
Agreement Nr. – 2019 – 0489 / 001 – 001
Project Nr. 609182-EPP-1-2019-1-EPPKA3-EQAVET-NRP
Short description of the project:
With 12 activities we are responding to more priorities of current relevant policy context on EU level and on national level as well, in line with Riga Conclusions, New Skills Agenda for Europe and The EQAVET Work Programme 2018-2019 and to more objectives of the Erasmus+ call for EQAVET NRPs in period 2019-2021.
Activities in the application could be categorised into following areas:
I. Support for VET providers in Slovenia
We have developed different kind of support for VET providers, who are offering IVET and CVET programmes, to assure relevant guidance for them:
a.) Trainings for headmasters, quality teams and other interested teaching staff on implementation of EQAVET and EQAVET+ framework as part of their quality assurance models. With the activity we are responding to following priorities and objectives: developing a culture of continuous Quality Assurance and improvement on VET providers’ level by implementation of EQAVET quality cycle and mainstream the use of EQAVET quality indicators on providers’ level;
b.) Peer Review Activity in the areas: pedagogical framework and planning the pedagogical process, teaching and learning, assessment and certification, work-based learning outside the school and learning results and outcomes. Indicators for the areas was developed in previous call for EQAVET NRPs in collaboration with EQAVET NRPs from Finland, Austria and Croatia. With the activity we are assuring using soft way of external evaluation as a tool for quality improvement and development on VET providers’ level. By selection of areas for peer-review we are promoting work-based learning, individualisation of learning process and learning process oriented to learning outcomes;
c.) Testing the »Methodological recommendations, guidelines for VET graduate tracking in IVET schools« will be implemented in collaboration with Hungarian EQAVET NRP, which developed the guidelines. The activity will hopefully support VET providers to upgrade their methodology for VET graduates tracking system. Through piloting EQAVET NRP in Slovenia will reflect the adaptability of recommendations for Slovene environment and suggest changes, if needed, to disseminate the Recommendations later on by offering them to all VET providers in Slovenia. With activity we are mostly responding to objective–devise and apply implementing arrangements for supporting the tracking of VET graduates as provided for in the Council Recommendation.
Indicators of success are: positive feedback from VET providers, improvement in their QA and QD models/process and improvement in their performance. The first one will be monitored through evaluation questionnaire and reflective discussions, the second and the third will be evaluated through 3 external evaluation of QA and QD processes on VET providers’ level, which is covered by regular activity of EQAVET NRP and CPI and summarised in National Quality Report on VET (
II. Support for VET system in Slovenia
To implement the EQAVET quality cycle, facilitate a culture of continuous QA and QA on system level and mainstream the use of EQAVET quality indicators on system level, we developed following activities:
a.) Study visits on monitoring and developing quality on system level:
– Study visit to Germany will be focused on methodology for monitoring EQAVET and other indicators on system level, reporting on findings in National Quality Report on VET and using the findings as an input for further decisions in VET policy;
– Study visit to The Republic of Ireland will be focused to external evaluation for QA in VET as a complementary method to self-evaluation of VET providers, for QA and QD purposes.
b.) Development of methodology and supporting mechanisms for monitoring national/EQAVET indicators on system level: Workshop with external expert;
The activity complement previous two activities in the process of establishing coherent systems for data collection and analysis and feedback the results to adapt VET provision.
c.) Study visits of four countries (Finland, Greece, Croatia and Slovenia)
will be primary focused on devising/upgrading methodology for VET graduates tracking as provided for in the Council Recommendations.
d.) Joint Activity with Croatia, Finland, Slovenia and Estonia: Promoting the use of Transnational Peer Reviews by updating the criteria
is developmental activity, which will upgrade possibilities for further support of EQAVET NRP in Slovenia to VET providers.
Indicators of success are positive feedback from participants of study visits, upgraded methodology for monitoring national/EQAVET indicators on system level and upgraded concept of National Quality Report on VET. The first will be measured through evaluation questionnaire and reflective discussion, the second one will be measured through reflective discussion with external stakeholders (especially Ministry of Education).
III. Promotion, dissemination, information and communication of results, EQAVET NRP in Slovenia, EQAVET network and EQAVET framework will be achieved through following activities:
a.) National Conference on quality of VET;
b.) Peer Learning Activity in Slovenia for EQAVET network;
c.) Organising Study visit for Hungarian EQAVET NRP;
d.) Maintenance and upgrading web page of EQAVET NRP in Slovenia;
e.) Promotional materials, Newsletters and flyers.
Indicators of success in this category are: positive feedback by participants of the national conference, PLA in Slovenia and Study visit. New initiatives for further cooperation by other EQAVET NRPs, by VET providers and other national stakeholders. Number of visits on EQAVET NRP in Slovenia web page.
Results of the project are published on Slovene project website.
Center RS za poklicno izobraževanje, Kajuhova ulica 32U, 1000 Ljubljana
Aleksandra Grašič and Majda Gartner;
tel: +386 1 5864 226; +386 1 5864 239
fax.: +386 1 5864 200